38 weeks!!

The most important thing happening this week is my doc’s trip! He has left, but not without examining me first. He said he thought we’d be okay without him, and that Lucas was still going to be inside for another week, at the very least, unless my water broke, and that was very unpredictable, so he didn’t really cut me any slack there! I still haven’t dilated or effaced and Lucas still isn’t facing the right way (downward, his head is down though). Hopefully we will make it this week.

This week we also took this week to finish some of the projects we have been procrastinating:

Finally finished the felt wreath we were making with my mom :)

Finally finished the felt wreath we were making with my mom 🙂

We added leaves and some birds to the mural :)

We added leaves and some birds to the mural 🙂

I ended up sewing another hat for my little one, this time with an appliqué heart!

I ended up sewing another hat for my little one, this time with an appliqué heart!

Also, remember that nursing cover I made? Well, Leo had given me two weeks to finish the project and if I hadn’t by then he’d buy me one, because we’d need it and shipping stuff to our country, well let’s just say it takes time. The thing is that I ended up taking longer than two weeks, so he secretly ordered one from Bebe Au Lait and gave it to me as a surprise. I loved it!

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover!

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover!

When we found out I was pregnant, Hubby and I, started a bet. I said that my belly button would pop out, and he said it would just stretch to the point of being one with my belly. If he won, his prize would be two pizzas from this joint he ADORES, but is kind of expensive so we don’t buy it often. If I won he’d have to cook this wonderful Flan he used to make. So after 38 weeks, and a series of body changes, guess who won…

Hubby enjoyed his prize!!

Hubby enjoyed his prize!!

We’ve had lots of time this week to spend together, and I have to say I’m loving it! I’m lucky enough to be able to say that I won the husband lottery with Leo. He is so understanding and comprehensive and supportive. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to be by my side, and I’m sure that he’ll be the best father in the world too.

I love this man!!! (L)

I love this man!!! (L)

38th Week bumpdate:

You can follow our crazy adventures in twitter or instagram looking for this: #TandLeosGreatAdventure and #LucasRH :D

You can follow our crazy adventures in twitter or instagram looking for this: #TandLeosGreatAdventure and #LucasRH 😀

Total weight gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Shorts and anything that stretches and loose t-shirts.
Stretch marks? Yes, several 😦
Sleep: Getting restless and more interrupted sleep, its harder to get comfortable because of my back, but I don’t feel too tired. Haven’t managed to nap in the afternoon though, there’s something about not having Leo by my side that prevents my sleep.
Aversions: None right now…
Miss Anything? I’m missing sleeping on my belly and not being so hot all the time.
Movement: My gorgeous boy has got a thing for kicking mommy in her liver, it really hurts! But feeling him move around makes me know he’s ok, so I don’t mind. He loves moving his little feet up and down!
Food cravings: Chocolate cake, I made some and I can’t stop eating it!
Nauseous: I just get a little nauseous when I drink my prenatal vitamins before I eat.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!! 😀
Gender: Baby boy!
Labor Signs: Mild Braxton Hicks contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Still in! :D
Wedding rings on or off? Thankfully my hands haven’t swollen up!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious is my overall feeling. The doctor left this week and won’t come back until next week, so hopefully Lucas will wait for him to come back!
Looking forward to: The return of my doctor, and the arrival of my baby boy!

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